Podcast – Relief from Grief

The Exercising Rebbetzin with Rabbi Yitzchok Rubin
לעילוי נשמת חיים צבי בן אברהם יצחק

By |2024-03-28T13:39:52-04:00January 22, 2024|

Rabbi Yitzchok Rubin Rav of Adas Aish Kodesh in Manchester England She was Rebbetzin Rubin, but she was known as Chaiky. She had a way with people. Everyone who knew her felt loved and embraced by her – because she loved life, and she loved the people in her life. Whether it was her congregants or the ladies from the exercise class she gave, they all felt [...]

What the Torah Has to Say with Rabbi Henoch Plotnik
לעילוי נשמת מרדכי פינחס בן יהושע

By |2024-03-28T13:40:31-04:00January 9, 2024|

Rabbi Henoch Plotnik Rosh Mesivta of Kesser Yonah, well-known speaker, actively involved with LINKS The Torah recognizes the pain of loss, and the Torah gives us guidelines for navigating loss with the laws of shivah and aveilus, many of which correspond to the state of the neshamah of the niftar. There is much that we deduce about loss from the Torah, whether from Avraham Avinu, Aharon HaKohen [...]

Everlasting Love in Seven Weeks with Mrs. Devorah Schendler
לעילוי נשמת יוכבד בת אלימלך

By |2024-03-28T13:41:25-04:00December 25, 2023|

Mrs. Devorah Schendler, author of Compatible with Life Giving birth to a stillborn baby was so painful. Yet looking back, Mrs. Devorah Schendler saw how that experience strengthened her emunah muscle for the next great challenge – giving birth to a baby diagnosed with Trisomy-13, a syndrome that is incompatible with life. For seven-and-a-half weeks, the Schendlers threw themselves into taking care of their sick baby. At [...]

Standing Shivah with Mrs. Rachel Stein
לעילוי נשמת ציפא רבקה בת ברוך

By |2024-03-28T13:42:04-04:00December 11, 2023|

Mrs. Rachel Stein Prolific author, most recently of the book Uplift She was a young mother with a houseful of children, and at this difficult time in her life, she felt torn in too many directions. Should she stay with her sick and dying mother or go home to her sick children who need a mommy to care for them? It seemed as if her mother was [...]

Where are You, Dovi? With Mrs. Feige Steinmetz Mother of Dovi Steinmetz, who perished in the Meron tragedy
לעילוי נשמת רב אביגדור בן ר’ ישראל הכהן

By |2024-03-28T13:42:36-04:00November 27, 2023|

Mrs. Feige Steinmetz Mother of Dovi Steinmetz, who perished in the Meron tragedy Lag Ba’Omer taf shin peh aleph (2021) is seared into our collective Jewish memory. It was on that day that a stampede took place in Meron, resulting in death and injury for many people. At first it seemed that Dovi was safe. Then his parents were unsure. And then it was confirmed: Dovi had [...]

I am Just a Little Boy with Rabbi Chaim Ellis, LCSW
לעילוי נשמת חיים צבי בן אברהם יצחק

By |2024-03-28T13:43:07-04:00November 13, 2023|

Rabbi Chaim Ellis, LCSW He was only four years old when his mother died. His memories of her are vague, and most of them are built from the pictures he has seen and the stories people have shared. A year-and-a-half after his mother’s passing his father remarried. Rabbi Ellis shares that his stepmother is a wonderful person, and he has always had a good relationship with her. [...]


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